Thursday, September 1, 2011

Waiting for Results

I am a rescue person, even as a child, I dragged home every animal that came across my path and tried to convince my mom that it did not have a family and we had a responsibility to care for it.  The number of legs never mattered and back when I was brave, the lack of legs didn't matter either.  Getting a show dog has been a very different experience for me.  Lately, it seems as if having a show dog just means waiting around for test results.

Phalen is finally 2 and that means he is eligible for breeding,  He is just a baby, he can't be breeding!  I have been very strong in protecting him form anyone even thinking about an early breeding.  I have insisted on every test I could find and/or afford.  It is such a huge responsibility and I have to be sure that I am doing everything in my power to only improve the breed.  No iffy breedings will ever happen with my boy.  Everyone will probably hate me, but I really don't care.  If they think I am a pain in the ass now, just wait until I breed him for MY puppy!

We have the results for his OFA heart, CERF, DNA, MDR-1 and DM.  We are have been witing for OFA results.  Just looking at the alphabet soup listed makes my eyes cross.  Ron called this morning and the results from OFA are here....NORMAL ELBOWS AND GOOD HIPS!!!!  Whew, what a relief.  To know that my baby has good hips and elbows and will indeed better the breed is what I wanted to hear.  Good for Phalen and even better for the breed.

I think we are done waiting for results for awhile.  I still want to do his food sensitivity test and a EPI profile, but then I think we are done.  We now move on to screening potential mates and then waiting for puppies.  This will be the worst, I won't be satisfied with just cute little puppies, I want to track them and see how they grow into adulthood.  Forget what I said about the waiting being is just beginning.

Did I mention I am really bad at waiting?

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