Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Husbands Are Harder to Train Than Dogs

Give me a crazy, or frightened dog any day!  I would much rather work with them than try to train a husband.  There is something about the opposable  thumbs on the husbands that makes them think they know everything.  I have them too, but I don't know everything!  Maybe I am blaming the wrong body part!  Whatever it is, they are very difficult to train. I have tried modeling behavior, explaining behavior, reinforcing for the behavior that I like and yet the retention of the skills seems to be lacking.  Let me rephrase that, he knows what to do, he chooses not to do it.

My hubby is great with the dogs most  of the time, but recently, he has begun  slipping into laziness.  Yelling seems to be his first instinct.  Really yelling?  We are not a yelling family!  He would never even think about yelling at me, of course, he has learned that it really does not achieve the desired results.  I come from a family of yellers, which is why I don't.  If I feel the need to raise my voice, everyone better run for cover.  It's what makes it so effective.  I can count on one hand the number of times per year that I have to raise my voice on a school bus full of middle school students. I prefer to ask nicely, reward the behavior that I like and have very clear boundaries  I train and live my life the same way.

Ron comes from a very passionate Polish family.  They all yell all the time and they don't even know it.  I'm sure he doesn't realize he is doing it, because he looks so confused when I confront him.  He looks at me like I am from mars and that I am deranged.  I calmly explain that he is indeed screeching at the dogs and that none of us appreciate it.  He is baffled.  I again explain our way of training and remind him of our principles as intelligent,evolved, sane, human beings.  If he still doesn't get it, I am sometimes forced to use the ultimate weapon.  Tears.  There I said it, I am not ashamed.  The tears get his attention and he again returns to the sane loving man that I married.

He may need a behavior plan, or medication, or maybe he just needs a time out.  Maybe I should send him to a workshop, a little Suzanne to straighten him out.  Or maybe, I will remember that dog training is not his chosen profession, cut him a little slack and be thankful that he loves me and the dogs.  I think I like the last plan best but maybe I will lace it with a few chocolate chip cookies or kisses to as a reward for behavior I like.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you are too hilarious. Perhaps Ron AND Aaron should go to a workshop together. Funny how our lives are so flippin' parallel!!! AH!!!
