Friday, September 2, 2011

Quiet time

I love that part of the evening when all the dogs of their own volition go and lay down.  Not because I am lazy or that I don't want to spend time with them, but because it means that they are content.  They understand that there is a time to rest their bodies and just "be".  Phalen is curled up at my feet with his ball between his feet, Abby is crashed on my bed, Sheena is lying on my other side, taking deep peaceful breaths.  Riley is laying next to his dad, Wolf and Foxy are on their beds and everything is quiet.  I can hear and distinguish each dogs breathing, and with each breath I relax more. 

I know it is tentative at best, I live with 6 Shepherds.  They will be ready to go if I ask or if I move.  It is hard wired into their DNA, the need to follow and be a part of everything I do.  I love that about them, and wouldn't change it for anything in the world.  Well that last statement is not exactly true, sometimes, I have to pee, but know that the second I get up 6 Shepherds will jump to attention.  Sometimes, it's better just to wait!

They are aware my every move and the slightest shift in weight will open their eyes.   They look up to see what I am up to, and assessing that no food or activity is involved they close their eyes once more and return to rest.  It often reminds me of Jonestown, bodies sprawled and strewn over our little house and I giggle at the sight.  Never did I imagine that it would be filled with so many dogs or so much love.

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