Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My dogs have discovered my kryptonite.  I feel my powers weakening by the second.  They use it to weaken me and steal my powers and my heart.  Oh it's hard to thwart their evil plans in this weakened state!  They keep it with them at all times, pulling it out when the time is right.  If you own a Shepherd of any kind, you already know what it is.  It is the deadly head tilt. It gets me every time and I become a bowl of jelly that will allow them to do anything.

Phalen is the master at this.  He tilts that head anytime he thinks he is in trouble or if he wants me to continue to play ball with him when I have said we are done. He is an evil villain that can totally manipulate me into submission.  I try to turn my head, but apparently there is a freeze ray involved as well and I can't turn away.  I am frozen in place, fighting with everything I have to not succumb to the effects, but I am powerless.  I start laughing, my heart gets all mushy and have to give in. 

I can see the headline now...."Trainer found dead after dogs cute her to death" embarrassing!

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