Sunday, August 21, 2011


I live with a superhero.  Bratman the wonder dog.  Riley is our 11 year old White Shepherd/Lab mix.  I think he got more Lab than Shepherd.  He is Ron's dog and is very clear about that fact.  His whole world revolves around Ron and he will throw a fit if he can't be with him.  He loves me, but I have no doubt in my mind that his perfect world would be he and his dad living alone and wallowing in "man stuff".  I tell Ron all the time that everyone should be loved as much as Riley loves him.  It is an honor and a very sacred gift.

Riley came to us for evaluation because he was scheduled to be euthanized for aggressive behavior.  I didn't want to take him, I had recently euthanized two dogs for aggression and I was feeling like "Dr. Death".  I stand behind both decisions, but I was really looking for a nice easy foster dog that I could just have fun with.  Echo's president called and begged me to take Riley.  I've known Susan for years and consider her one of my best friends.  She does not cry easily and it was the first time I had ever heard her do it.  How do you say no to that?   I reluctantly agreed to take him, but didn't hold out much hope for an aggressive 7 year old.

I picked him up on his transport and was greeted by a big goof who had charmed everyone he met that day.  I  brought him home and Riley promptly got on my bed and when I asked him to get down he bared full teeth at me and gave a wicked growl.  I was initially shocked, but in less than 10 seconds could tell that it was a learned behavior and he was not willing to back it up.  I went and got a hot dog and offered it to him if he was willing to get off my bed.  He complied and so began our dance.  He latched on to Ron immediately and they were smitten with each other.

As time went on, I was sure that there was something wrong with him medically.  Things just didn't add up.  I took him in for tests and he was diagnosed with Cushing's Disease.  We chose not to treat it due to many factors, knowing that either way, we were signing his death warrant.   Shortly afterward he was diagnosed with a seizure disorder.  Ron and I have been married 26 years and I can count on one hand the number of times he was truly angry at me.  I came home from work one night to a very angry husband who accused me of being a liar.  Ron had decided that Riley was unadoptable and that he would stay with us.  Susan in the meantime had called and in trying to take the pressure off of Ron assured him that she would find Riley and adopter.  Needless to say we cleared it all up and we adopted Riley.  I think it is the perfect example of how much Ron and Riley love each other.  Ron and Riley even passed their CGC test a couple of years ago, they were so proud!  It was a long way from where we started.

Riley is funny, and the biggest brat I have ever met.  He barks and demands you wait on him, he has little tolerance for other dogs silliness, doesn't come when you call him, he grumbles like an old man, hates to have his toenails cut, and throws an unholy fit if he is not with his dad. That description begs the answer to why we love him so very much.  Despite all of that, he is funny, sweet, personable, in fact he is hands down everyone's favorite of my pack.  He is our comic relief when things get tough, gives the sweetest kisses ever and loves with his whole heart.  He reminds us that life is fragile, but that obstacles can be overcome and miracles happen everyday.  He was not expected to live more than a few months and almost 5 years later, he is going strong.  We have provided alternative treatments for his conditions and he is doing great!   Riley has taught us to not take even a moment for granted, that life is about quality, not quantity.

I am thankful for my big Bubba, my Bratman.  I need to make him a costume and take a photo of him wearing it.  Today I celebrate my Bratman and every other Bratman out there.  They bring a joy to our lives like no other and every time I look into that sweet silly face, my heart skips a beat and almost bursts from the love that wells up.  I love you Bubba!  Thanks for reminding me to love with my whole heart and never take life too seriously!


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