Tuesday, August 30, 2011


When I pulled out of work today there was a spider on my windshield.  Just a little black spider.  I actually like spiders.  My mom bought me a book when I was little titled; Be Nice To Spiders.  If you have not read it, I recommend it.  It is about a little boys pet spider, Helen, and how she saves the zoo from being overrun by flies. It made a huge impact on me and I am generally nice to spiders.  I do confess that I don't allow them to shower with me (it's actually humane, I am afraid they will be traumatized by my naked body), and big scary spiders freak me out.  I try not to hurt them unless I feel threatened.

I digress, back to the spider on my windshield.  I was fascinated by him.  I watched as he held on against the force of the wind coming at him.  First through town, then local highway and finally the expressway.  He hung on, never moving, except for one leg in the air.  It reminded me of sticking my hand out of the sunroof on a beautiful day to feel the wind against my hand.  I found myself wondering what he was thinking, feeling and what it must be like to be him at that moment.  I wondered if it was exhilarating, or frightening.  Did he have a family and how would he adjust after I took him 25 miles from his home area.  I marveled at the randomness of life and how something as innocent as taking a break on my windshield  would forever alter his life.  I found myself cheering for him to hold on, frightened for him that at any moment the force would blow him off and he would die.

I stopped to get a gallon of milk and when I came out he was gone.  I'll never know what happened to him, but I wished his spirit well and asked the universe to care for him.  It made me think of the recent hurricane victims, no more in control of what was happening than this spider.  Or the times in my life where I was baffled by life's randomness good or bad and how it would play out.  I was touched today by this little spider, by his courage, his perseverance.  I'm also thankful that I noticed him and that God gave me a heart to wonder at the beauty of a spider.

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