Wednesday, August 24, 2011

She's Human - and that's a good thing

I got an email from Suzanne Clothier today.  She and I have emailed back and forth about the June Trainer's Workshop and of course about Phalen.  When I saw the email today, I thought;" Hmm, I haven't emailed her about anything, it must be a seminar announcement".  I opened the email and it was in reference to my Sunday blog.  My first thought was; "How the hell does Suzanne know about my blog?" Why on earth would she be writing me about it?and finally "OMG Suzanne read my blog, crap!"  I had this hysterical picture in my mind of Suzanne cruising the internet and stumbling across it.  Turns out Pam sent it to her, to share with her, and Suzanne sent me a lovely note.

I have never made it a secret how much I admire Suzanne, I think she gets it right more often than anyone else I have come across.  I remember making a total fool of my self  at Wolf park the first time I met her and told her that at some point in the weekend I would probably squeal; "OH MY GOD IT'S SUZANNE CLOTHIER!!"  Quite honestly I think I frightened her and I can understand why.  How embarrassing!  I did exercise amazing self control and never once squealed in front of her.  She was perfectly normal, told me I was a fool if I didn't take Phalen and told me all of the guilt I had over Sheena and our journey was stupid and I needed to "just get over it".  Blunt, to the point, and always for the good of the dog, that's the Suzanne I know now, but not the one I had built up in my mind.  What a disservice we do to folks to put them on our artificially constructed  pedestal.

I've seen Suzanne speak a few times now.  She is never anything but herself.  Dresses casually,  occasionally forgets not to cuss, funny, irreverent and never have I seen her turn someone away, even when they are star struck and probably annoying as hell.  Her calm presence is disarming and for some of us it can be quite intimidating.  In the email today Suzanne asked if Pam and I would mind sharing what we are doing in our relationship class.  I was initially intimidated, but didn't shrink from the task.  The thought of Suzanne critiquing my curriculum a few months ago would have paralyzed me.  Today, I remembered that she is just a person.  A gifted one no doubt but I'm pretty sure her panties get bunched up just like the rest of ours.  So I shared with her what we are doing.  I look forward to hearing what she thinks, both good and bad.  Not because she is SUZANNE CLOTHIER OMG, but because she is a fellow traveler on the same journey..

I am thankful to Suzanne for so many things, think she is immensely gifted, and  beautifully human.  Flawed, succeeding in some endeavors, failing  in others and being brave enough to share it with all of us. So a huge thanks to Suzanne tonight for not being "SUZANNE CLOTHIER WORLD RENOWN TRAINER AND BEHAVIOR CONSULTANT" - but for just being Suzanne, fellow traveler. 

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